A+ Federal Credit Union

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Let's get going!

In order to get started, select an account that works for you.

Membership Savings
Our user-friendly savings account used to establish your membership with A+FCU.
  • Only $10 to open
  • $0 minimum balance to earn dividends, currently at  0.10% APY*†
  • Dividends are compounded and paid monthly
  • No monthly fees
Regular Savings
Designed for members who want an additional savings account for their savings needs.
  • Only $10 to open and no monthly fees
  • $0 minimum balance to earn dividends, currently at 0.10% APY*†
  • Dividends are compounded and paid monthly
  • Great account for reaching a specific savings goal
Tiered Money Market
The A+ account offering saving tiers so you earn higher dividends the more you save.  

Earn dividends up to 0.70% APY*† for savings of $250,000 and above.

Available Tier Levels:
  • Tier 1: $2,500 – $24,999.99 at 0.35% APY*†
  • Tier 2: $25,000 – $49,999.99 at 0.60% APY*†
  • Tier 3: $50,000 – $99,999.99 at 0.60% APY*†
  • Tier 4: $100,000 – $249,999.99 at 0.70% APY*†
  • Tier 5: $250,000+ at 0.70% APY*†

  • $1 to open and $0 monthly fees
  • $2,500 minimum to earn dividends, starting at 0.35% APY*†
  • Save more to earn more by reaching higher tier levels
  • Dividends are compounded and paid monthly
  • Highest tier currently offering 0.70% APY*†